I’ll Burn Anyone (The Challenge Night Series Book 2) Page 19
Gio’s face flashes with interest but hers is smothered in fear. Luca is at my side, probably deciding the best way to disarm me without getting someone shot.
“Don’t worry, she won’t shoot you,” he tells her, trying to calm her nerves.
That motherfucker.
“I won’t?” I raise an eyebrow at him. Then move my aim to one of her feet and pull the trigger.
My heart nearly explodes with adrenaline. I felt the gun recoil in my hand but the shot was silent to my ears. The music in the club completely conceals my crime.
“Jesus fuck,” Marco shouts, realizing what just happened.
The woman screams and drops to the ground, grabbing at what remains of her foot. Gio just stands there, he doesn’t even look down at her, only at me. Luca disarms me fast enough that I don’t realize until my hands are empty. He pulls my face into his hands. He doesn’t yell at me; he’s looking at me to make sure I’m alright.
“Arianna, are you okay?” Luca stammers, pulling me back into reality.
“Shouldn’t you be asking her that?” I giggle.
Yes, fucking giggle. I’ve never shot anyone before, only a few animals with my father and Lorenzo. They made me learn how to shoot for sport when I was little. I should be in shock from firing a weapon in a crowded nightclub.
But I’m not, I feel fine. It’s kind of hilarious actually.
“That was the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen,” Luca whispers into my ear as I turn back to Gio.
“Far is fair. You didn’t let anyone touch me for years. Payback is a bitch. Come home, get over yourself and beg for my forgiveness because I’m done begging for yours,” I tell Gio before bending down to his whore.
“And you, now you can be a good little messenger. Tell all your little skank friends what happens when you touch Gio Colombo; or Luca Caruso for that matter. They are mine, and I’ll burn anyone who tries to take them. You get me?”
She nods with tears in her eyes.
“Consider this banishment from any Vitale or Colombo owned businesses. I never forget a face and an ugly smug one like yours doesn’t go unnoticed easily. Try me again and I’ll cut off your bottle blonde hair just for fun before I take a few fingers for keeps.”
Luca takes my hand and pulls me up as she sobs even louder.
“Vito!” Gio calls him over, his voice is still slightly slurred. Vito comes quickly, despite being here with Luca and I. “See to it that she gets to a doctor on our payroll. I’ll go back with these two, you can take my car when you’re done.” Gio tosses him his keys. Vito catches them and nods, moving to help my victim up.
“You’re coming back?” Luca eyes him up and down. “Just like that?”
Gio smirks at him.
Why is he happy?
“Scared of a little competition?” He pushes.
Competition? The fucking nerve of this man.
“Put your dicks away and let’s go, I’m supposed to be laying low remember?” I huff. “And you,” I point to Gio again “you’re not touching me until I see proof that she didn’t give you herpes or some shit. Maybe not even after that,” I threaten through my teeth.
He just smiles and nods. He’s done a fucking 180, and I don’t understand why. Luca seems suspicious too. Nonetheless, we’re all leaving together. Marco stays behind, going back to the bar. No doubt texting people he trusts the video of me shooting someone.
I sort of want him to send it to me, maybe I’ll ask later.
Luca gets into the driver's seat, Gio is far too drunk to drive. He pulls my hands, making me fall into the back seat with him. The door shuts loudly behind him. I’m so close to hitting him and moving to the passenger seat until he falls into me. His head nuzzles into my neck like he’s falling asleep.
Luca looks back at us, concerned.
I smile at him sympathetically. “It’s fine, he’s drunk as fuck, just get us home please.”
He nods and speeds off into the night.
“Did it feel good to shoot her?” Gio whispers into my neck, making me shiver.
“I’m mad at you, you don’t get to ask me questions like that,” I whisper back, but don’t push him off of me.
He’s warm and I feel good with him laying on me. It’s infuriating how good it feels. Like I could punch him, or kiss him silly. I won’t though, he’s not going to win me back so easily. I’m not dropping Luca for him. That’s not how this is going to work. I have no idea how this is supposed to work, but it’s not going to be so cut and dry. Luca deserves better than that, and so do I.
Gio is completely asleep by the time we get back to the house. When I pull him off of me, he just flops down onto the seat further. I jump out of the car, and start to pull on his arms to get him out. Shit, he’s fucking heavy.
“I’ll get him,” Luca mutters, pulling me off to the side.
“Wait,” I stammer, grabbing Luca’s arms and pulling him into me.
Our lips hit softly against each other. He pulls me into him by my waist, making me moan into his mouth. Every time his hands are on me I feel a warmth of safety wash over me. I need him to know that I’m grateful to him, that he means something to me. After my head starts to spin, I pull away despite how good it feels.
“What was that for?” Luca looks at me with those eyes that make me melt.
“You promised you wouldn’t abandon or hurt me. This was me doing the same. Okay?”
He nods, letting go of my waist. The grin that comes across his lips makes my heart beat faster, but it’s cold and we need to get Gio to bed.
Luca is shorter than Gio by a few inches but he’s bulkier. He gets Gio out of the car and throws him over shoulder like he weighs nothing. I shut the car door for him and follow his path downstairs. We take the elevator and the only sound I can hear is Gio’s heavy breathing. The elevator doors open slowly, and I can see that the hallway is dark. Luca steps into the darkness, unbothered. Chills run down my spine, but I follow him. I can’t see anything after the elevator doors shut.
I’ve never been down here before. It’s so dark.
“Luca, I can’t see anything…” I whisper nervously into the pitch darkness.
“I know, exhilarating, isn’t it?” Luca whispers back in a dark voice that makes me shiver.
“Terrifying,” I hiss, unable to move my feet. “Where are you?”
The darkness is broken by a crack of light. I can finally see. The light is coming from a door at the end of the right side of the hallway. Luca is holding it open for me, still holding Gio over his shoulder. I run over quickly so that he can finally put him down. I take his place holding the door.
Luca brings Gio to a bed with the dullest black on black blankets and pillows. The room is practically barren. He has a big TV though, so maybe he actually relaxes sometimes. Luca grabs a trash can from inside of Gio’s bathroom and sets it at his bedside. I smile watching him take care of his friend. Despite the fact that Gio doesn’t deserve our kindness right now, he’s getting it.
Luca flicks on a dull lamp and turns off the main lights leaving only a dim source of light in the corner of the room. Gio is knocked out, but breathing. He was way more drunk on Christmas, so I force myself not to worry. It’s dark again in the hallway as Gio’s door shuts behind us. I reach for Luca’s hand, terrified of the black silence. He squeezes my fingers in between his and leads the way. We walk further than the elevator should be though.
Another door clicks open and lights flick on.
Is this his room?
“Woah,” I mumble as Luca pulls me into the room, shutting the door behind us. “This is your room?”
“Yeah,” he shrugs, “it’s not much, but it’s mine.”
“It’s so weird, I feel like I’ve been here before. Like in a dream or some shit.” I spin around, taking it all in. “Are we sleeping down here tonight?”
“Do you want to sleep here?” he asks in return.
Obviously. “I do, if you shower me first though. I’m sweating.�
He seems surprised. “You want me to come in with you?”
“Why wouldn’t I? I’ve never had shower sex, you know?” I grin at him, pulling my ponytail down.
“I guess I’m just surprised that you still want to…” he trails off “since Gio is back.”
“Gio, isn’t winning me over just by coming home. Besides, I’m not letting you go that easily, jerk. Is this your way of trying to get rid of me? Helping me with Gio?” Insecurity sweeps into my voice despite my best efforts to stay level-headed.
He has to want me? Right?
“Fuck no.” He swings me into his arms, pushing our lips together. “I’m not pushing you away, not until you ask me to.”
“I won’t.”
“Promise?” This time Luca steals my line.
“Promise. Now come fuck me silly and tired so we can both fall asleep, pretty please, King Caruso.” I beg, adding a pout on my lips, looking through my lashes at him.
“Well fuck, since you asked so nicely. Strip for me, Princess Vitale.” He commands, setting me back down on my feet.
My pants hit the floor quickly as he watches me closely. My hands tingle seeing his eyes on me as I unbutton my bodysuit and pull it over my head. He doesn’t speak, he just slowly works on his button down, peeling it off deliciously slow, not even looking at his own hands. As he starts working on his belt, I can’t help my feet from moving backwards, looking to make their way to the bathroom.
“Retreating so early in the game?” Luca teases, stepping out of his pants, following me.
“Not retreating, getting a head start.” I grin, feeling the floor texture change to a cold tile. We’re in the bathroom, our eyes still locked. “I already owe you $12,000. I’d hate to make another bet out of impatience. I seem to have no ability to wait when I’m around you.”
“Keep the money baby, I’m sure we can work out another form of payment sometime.” Luca reaches for something behind me and then water starts falling from the ceiling. We’re not just in his bathroom, he’s backed me into the shower without me even noticing.
“Hmmm,” I hum. “Okay, let me know when you want to cash in. But maybe you could wash my back? Since we're already here,” I offer, pretending to be disinterested in what we both really want.
Luca grins, picking up his body wash as I turn around and move my hair to the side exposing my back to him. His soapy hands glide across my skin slowly, lathering me with suds. I can feel his face move closer to mine.
“I don’t need to cash in, to get you to do what I want baby.” He whispers before licking my ear lobe, making me shiver with chills. “See, look at that. You can’t hide how good my touch feels.” His hands slip up and around my back, rubbing soap around my stomach and chest.
“I don’t know what you mean.” I can’t help but giggle as I lie.
“No?” Luca’s voice brushes the skin of my neck. “Are you sure about that, princess?” Just as I’m about to reply, lying some more, his hand slips down. His fingers swipe against my sex, inches from grazing my clit. I can’t stop myself from gasping. My body relaxes on instinct, feeling my back slope against his muscular shape. My head tips back, resting on his chest.
He teases me for a bit longer, never touching the best spot, circling my entrance but never breaching it. His mouth peppers kisses along the nape of my neck as his fingers continue to slip up and down, finally rubbing my clit. Wanton moans fall off of my tongue.
“Are you going to fuck me unconscious again?” I whisper through the water hitting my chin.
His cock throbs against my back as I ask breathlessly. “That was all you baby.” His lips pinch my earlobe, making me whimper. “You controlled that, and you fucked yourself unconscious. I had to carry you up to your room and put you to bed because you were such a stunning slut for me. You made yourself utterly exhausted. It was fucking beautiful, baby. Fucking. Gorgeous.”
The praise is flattering, so flattering my body warms even more. My hands slip down, softly moving behind me to rest on his hips. His muscular frame is mouthwatering. I love touching Luca Caruso. What a trip.
“I don’t know what came over me, I just couldn’t stop myself,” I pant, feeling his fingers circle in just the right place.
Luca spins me around and picks me up, wrapping my legs around his waist. “I’m glad you didn’t stop, but now it’s my turn to make you pass out.”
The steaming water falls over my back and pulls my hair in every direction. I can feel how hard he is against my stomach.
I’ll never get tired of how he feels against my body.
His arms slip under my thighs and pull me up high enough to put his cock in me in one swift motion. I don’t throw my head back this time, I lean in and wrap my arms around his neck. My head rests on his shoulder and my fingers dip into his neck as he pumps inside of me. He hasn’t let a second of rest go by since thrusting in me. His pace is ruthless, I can’t even talk, just squeeze myself into him tighter and moan every time he hits my fucking cervix. It hurts so fucking good I’m nearly screaming; I have to bite into his shoulder to stop myself from waking up the entire house.
“Fuck, brat!” Luca, winces as my teeth sink into his skin.
“Bite me too.” I pant, moving my hair off of my neck, offering it up to him as if he were a vampire.
Luca chuckles deep in his throat before he opens his mouth, baring his teeth. He bites me hard enough to make me squirm on top of him, but it feels good too. I’m seconds from letting my orgasm rip through me, but I can’t speak. I can barely breathe.
“Look at how dizzy you are…” Luca smirks, licking the part of my neck he just bit. “Go ahead brat, come on my cock.”
My mind goes completely blank, all I can do is feel myself clenching rapidly on Luca’s cock when warmth consumes me. I can’t open my eyes, but I can still hear the shower running. I don’t think I’m asleep again, but I can’t move and I refuse to try to open my eyes. More warmth pools in my stomach, and the shower shuts off.
I don’t feel Luca dry me off, but I feel my wet body being set into a bed.
Now, now I can sleep.
Chapter 11: Mend
“A man has cause for regret only
when he sows and no one reaps”
–Charles Goodyear
“Fucking hell,” I mumble under my breath, wincing awake as my 5am alarm goes off.
I don’t actually need to be awake this early today. I’m not going to work. I don’t have to go back until Friday. One of the newer Graduates is taking my place, and I’m sure Luca is picking up his slack. But I have a fuck ton of shit to do if I’m going to make Arianna forgive me.
I’ve never been good at giving in. I don’t fold and I rarely lose. But, last night, last night I caved in. I let her win. Seeing the pure rage in her eyes while I taunted her did something to me. She had to see another woman on me and it flipped a switch in her. It did to her, what she did to me when she admitted she wasn’t untouched anymore. It tortured her, and seeing that I could hurt her, like she hurt me; it made it real. It wasn’t a childish crush. it was deeper than that; for both of us. I’ve never allowed myself to give into her advances; she’s forbidden fruit.
Luca shouldn’t have given in either, but now that he has, pandora’s box has already been pulled wide fucking open. We’re both going to hell, because we’re both letting Arianna Vitale into our cold, dark worlds. I’m going to give in to her and after she forgives me for leaving, she’ll see why she should have never loved me.
I’m not just her brother’s business partner and childhood best friend, I’m the man her brother calls Cel. I am Cel, darkness and death follow me wherever I go. Death has almost taken her from me twice, and now it’ll come for her again; it’s inevitable. Luca took my option to deny her away.
I may be Cel, but darkness follows us all. She’s exposed whether she is with either one of us. He has forced my hand, and part of me fucking loves him for it. The other part despises myself for be
ing happy; happy to finally feel her touch. I shouldn’t have said what I did Sunday morning, but she’s lucky I didn’t skin Luca alive in front of her right then. Had it been any other man, there wouldn’t have even been a hesitation. She’s mine whether or not she knows it; whether or not she’s his too.
I didn’t fuck that horrid woman from last night, but I doubt Arianna would believe me if I said I was clean. I have to get that test out of the way first.
“Hey, Dr. Cruz. Can you come by the house? I need a quick STD panel.”
“Sure thing, I can come by in 20.”
“Great, Vito will let you into the basement.”
Dr. Cruz is ridiculously easy to get a hold of, he personally patches us up most of the time. I’m sure he’s who Vito called last night for the GSW. I can’t believe Arianna actually shot her. She wasn’t even phased. Sure, she’s a Vitale; but still. She fucking giggled when Luca asked her if she was okay. I have a feeling keeping her from the dark side isn’t going to be easy.
I’m showered, dressed and hydrated by the time Dr. Cruz knocks on my door. The blood tests are over quickly and he prints out the results before leaving.
“Clean as always, my boy. Have a good week.”
“You too.”
I wasn’t worried. I don’t fuck without condoms, unless there are special circumstances.
Arianna is probably still asleep, and I need to talk to Luca. I don’t know what the hell I’m going to say to him. I don’t think he knows what he’s going to say to me either. This situation is so completely fucked up.
I sigh as I hit dial under his name, Virbius.
“Yeah,” he answers in a cold tone.
“Are you at the training center yet?”
“Pulling in now, why?”
“Want to punch each other and make up?”
“I get the first hit.”